Venue: Hoi An: Indoor and Gala Special/
Cabaret Seating Arrangement

Group size: 40+
Time:  9 am-12 pm/2 pm-5 pm/6.30 pm – 10 pm
Theme: Contemporary Hoi An Performance
Games: Mask Making, Create your own play and Perform at your best
Objective: Teamwork, Presentation Skills, Confidence, Creativity

Venue: Meeting room/Hotel –
according to budget

Group size: 20-100
Time: 4 hours
Theme: The Road to Success – You will be given themes how to create a business
Objective: Strategy Skills, Negotiation Practice, Decision Making without a lot of information…no excuses

Venue: “Something Else” 

Group size: 30+
Time: Bespoke Evening Event
Why “Something Else”?: You don’t see what you are looking for? You wish the ultimate in night event planning? 
Let’s work together: We turn the ordinary into the extraordinary
P.S. We are always excited to work on new ideas together with our clientele to create the perfect event!